Saturday, 20 October 2007

Never rains ...

but it pours. Now one of my precious furbies is feeling a bit under the weather and in need of some surgery. Hopefully it will be routine and he'll bounce back all fine and dandy but both my babies are getting on in years and I do worry about them.

Otherwise I'm hanging on, trying to keep occupied (understatement!) and focus on DOING stuff, any stuff.

Anyone know of a warm desert island going cheap?


Alter Me said...

hope she is better soon,m xxxxxxxx

kiwirach said...

fingers crossed all is well with your furbaby.
and hugs for you my friend xx

Marlou McAlees said...

Hi Mandy, just popped in to say hi and I hope you are well xx

Anonymous said...

So sorry about Little Thai
sending you lots of hugs and support at this vert difficult time